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  3/28/2025, 9:23:17 PM

The Late Patriarch's Blessings

Welcome Message
From the spiritual director of SOR, H.E. Mor Clemis E. Kaplan.

Patriarch-Elect Mor Ignatius Aphrem II

The 123rd successor to St. Peter at Antioch elected ... His Eminence Mor Cyril Aphrem Karim, archbishop of the Eastern USA, was elected to the exalted See of Antioch at the Holy Synod held in Beirut at 10 am on March 31, 2014, and will be consecrated on May 29 assuming the name Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II.

Biography of the Patriarch-Elect

For updates, visit Facebook pages: Patriarch-Elect · Malankara Syriac Voice · SOCM-Forum
His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas entered into eternal rest at noon on Friday, March 21, 2015 at Kiel, Germany. His Holiness was in a hospital in Kiel when he succumbed to cardiac arrest. His remains were taken to the monastery of Mor Yacqub of Sarugh in Warburg, Germany, where the first funeral service was conducted on Sunday, Mar 23rd. The body was then taken to Beirut, Lebanon, on March 25th, where the main funeral services were held on March 27th at 11 am local time. The body was taken to the Patriarchal Cathedral in Bab Touma, Damascus, the same day, by road. The burial took place in the Patriarchal monastery church in Ma`rrat Saydnaya near Damascus on Friday, March 28th. His Holiness reigned on the throne of St. Peter at Antioch for 33 ½ years, the 10th longest Patriarchal reign.

moran ethraham calayn
aloho haso l-kumro
waqeemoy men yameenokh
b-yawmo danho raboothokh.

Lord have mercy upon us.
O God absolve the high priest
and stand him up on Your right side
on the great day of ressurection!

For updates, visit Facebook pages: HH Patriarch Mor Zakka Iwas · Malankara Syriac Voice · SOCM-Forum
Click on the links below for the presentation, "The life and times of late Patriarch HH Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas" by Thomas Joseph, SOR webmaster, delivered at the condolence meeting held on Mar 23, 2014, at St. Mary's Church, Whittier, Los Angeles.

Powerpoint Presentation · PDF
Please sign the petition at whitehouse.gov urging help in locating the kidnapped bishops Mor Gregorious Yohanna Ibrahim and Archbp Boulos Yazigi of Aleppo

In Syriac, Margoneetho means 'a pearl'. Syriac Christian literature depicts the pearl variously, as a symbol of our Lord, faith and the human soul. Like an exquisite pearl hidden in an oyster, the spiritual heritage of the Syriac Orthodox Church, one of the most ancient Christian churches, remains obscure to much of the world today. The Margoneetho: Syriac Orthodox Resources web site attempts to illuminate this rich and ancient heritage.

SOR is not an "official" web Site of the Syriac Orthodox Church, but receives encouragement and support from its hierarchy.

Bread for the Soul

 Recent Publications

The New Syriac Primer
An excellent introduction to the Syriac language for beginners by George Kiraz and published by Gorgias Press.

The Scattered Pearls 2nd ed.
Revised English translation of the definitive work on the literary heritage of the Syriac Orthodox Church by the eminent scholar and late Patriarch Mor Aphrem I Barsoum published by Gorgias Press.

The Hidden Pearl: The Syrian Orthodox Church and Its Aramaic Heritage
A three volume encyclopaedic work on the Aramaic heritage—language, history, and culture with a focus on the Syriac Orthodox Church in two volumes. Videocassettes accompany each volume.

Tur Abdin: Living Cultural Heritage
This magnificently illustrated book by Rev. Hans Hollerweger with over 400 color photographs is a pictorial guide to Tur Abdin in SE Turkey where the Syriac Orthodox faith flourished from the earliest days of the Christian Church until the beginning of the 20th century.

Rev. Stephen Griffith Reports
The Anglican minister Rev. Griffith visited Tur `Abdin while serving as the apocrisiarus of the Archbishop of Canterbury at the Patriarchate in Damascus and reported on the state of the Syriac Orthodox community. Reports of his visits from 1999-2003 are published here.
Jun 2003 · Jun 2002

Prayers & Fasts according to Bar Ebroyo
Based on the doctoral thesis of Rev. Dr. Biji Chirathilattu, the book presents a theology of prayers and fasts from the oriental perspective based on the works of Maphryono Bar `Ebroyo.

The Indian Church of St. Thomas
First published in 1908, E.M. Philip's widely acclaimed work has been re-published by Mor Adai Study Centre.


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